Many people experience tooth sensitivity at some point in their lives. You might experience increased sensitivity on one or multiple teeth. It can be normal if the sensitivity ensues for a brief duration before subsiding. Dental hypersensitivity occurs when the discomfort in your teeth becomes unbearable and continues for a prolonged period. It is usually a sign of an underlying oral issue, such as eroded enamel or diseased dental pulp. The nerves within your teeth become exposed, leading to sensitivity. A dental practitioner can address these concerns and help you manage and treat dental hypersensitivity.
Causes of Dental Hypersensitivity
The causes of dental hypersensitivity vary from patient to patient. You might develop dental hypersensitivity due to damaged tooth enamel, tooth decay, oral cavities, periodontal disease, gum recession, or teeth grinding. Specific dental treatments like scaling, root planing, and deep cleaning can also result in sensitive teeth. Booking an appointment with a dental professional can help diagnose the condition appropriately.
Symptoms of Dental Hypersensitivity
You can tell that you have dental hypersensitivity if you feel throbbing discomfort when ingesting cold or hot beverages and foods or when brushing or flossing your teeth. Your teeth might also become sensitive when exposed to cold air.
Managing Dental Hypersensitivity
While dental hypersensitivity is an uncomfortable experience, the condition is easily manageable and preventable. One way to treat dental hypersensitivity is to maintain a proper oral routine. Brush your teeth with desensitizing fluoride toothpaste and floss daily to remineralize lost enamel and prevent plaque buildup. You can also utilize fluoride mouthwash to reduce sensitivity.
Refrain from acidic or sugary foods and beverages that can increase dental hypersensitivity. Consider limiting your consumption of excessively hot or cold drinks and foods to prevent enamel erosion and increased sensitivity. Most importantly, schedule regular dental visits to ensure optimal oral health.
Contact Our Practice Today
Dental hypersensitivity requires a proper diagnosis to treat underlying symptoms. Contact us today for more tips on managing dental hypersensitivity and to schedule a visit.