Having bad breath is something most of us definitely do not want to have! There are many reasons why one might develop this unpleasant symptom, but today we wanted to focus on how certain oral health problems can cause bad breath.
When it comes down to it, bacteria are largely the reason why unpleasant odors can end up developing in the mouth. Oral health problems are caused by these bacteria that have inflicted the oral health problems in the first place, thus making the two go hand in hand.
Gum Disease
Whether it is gingivitis, the early stages of gum disease or periodontitis disease, the step after gingivitis- bad breath is synonymous with gum disease in general. This oral health problem is caused by a large build-up of plaque which is the sticky film on your teeth and gums where bacteria live and grow. This makes it not much of a secret on how unpleasant odors can end up developing. Thankfully, gingivitis can be reversed with daily brushing and flossing. However, periodontitis needs professional treatment.
Dry Mouth
Also called, xerostomia, having a dry mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria in your mouth to grow with little to no resistance. When your mouth has trouble producing saliva it significantly reduces its ability to keep bacteria levels under control resulting in bacteria that cause bad breath to stick around.
Dry mouth can be caused by a number of things such as diabetes and salivary gland infection, thus making it a symptom of various oral health problems itself. If you are experiencing a persistent dry mouth, it is important to talk to us about it so we are able to help you! If you would like to call us to ask us any questions or book an appointment. Simply call the number provided to our office. We hope to see you visit us!