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Home Blog How to Prevent Tea and Coffee from Staining Your Teeth

How to Prevent Tea and Coffee from Staining Your Teeth

Posted on 11/9/2020 by Dr. Jae Seon Kim
How to Prevent Tea and Coffee from Staining Your TeethIf you've drank a lot of tea, coffee, red wine, or soda over the years, you may have noticed that your pearly whites aren't so pearly white any longer. These drinks can stain your teeth, leaving them looking dull and giving them a brownish tint. What can you do to stop tea and coffee from staining your teeth? The obvious solution is to switch to water or other drinks that won't leave stains, but we know that some people don't want to do that. Instead, there are a few things you can do to help prevent these stains.

Brush Your Teeth Afterwards

The first thing you can do to prevent tea or coffee from staining your teeth is to brush after you've finished your drink. This removes any remaining particles of the drink that are stuck to your teeth, leaving them nice and clean. In addition to keeping your teeth white, brushing two or three times a day also keeps your mouth healthy.

Drink Water After your Coffee or Tea

We realize that brushing after your coffee or tea isn't always the easiest thing to do. If you have a cup of coffee with breakfast, you may brush after you're finished anyway. But what about those two cups of coffee you have at the office? It's not as easy to brush then. You could also begin to over-brush. If you brush more than three times a day, you can actually damage your teeth and gums. Instead of brushing, though, you may find it easier to drink some water after your coffee or tea. Drinking water helps wash away anything stuck to your teeth. Take a drink and swish it around a bit before you swallow it. This will give your teeth a bath and remove anything that may stain them. If your teeth are already stained, you may want to talk to us about professional tooth whitening. Give us a call to discuss this cosmetic dentistry procedure.
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