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Home Blog Why Are There So Many Myths About Root Canals?

Why Are There So Many Myths About Root Canals?

Posted on 3/30/2019 by Dr. Jae Seon Kim
Why Are There So Many Myths About Root Canals?There are two words that strike fear into the hearts of many dental patients. Those words are "root canal". There are many rumors and myths about root canals that just are not true. If we recommend that you need a root canal, listen to us, instead of listening to your next door neighbor. It will not be nearly as bad as you fear.

Tooth Pain

The biggest myth about root canals is that there will be a lot of pain. The myth claims that the pain will continue for days. Neither parts of this are true. A root canal is a relatively painless procedure. Chances are, the worst part will be the anesthesia shot. If you are worried about that, sedation could be a possibility.

Another thing that you have probably heard is that you will get sick after your root canal. The rumor says that you will have a high chance of developing an infection. While there is always a chance of an infection, the risk from a root canal is extremely low. There is more of a chance that you will become ill from an untreated dental condition than from a root canal.

Oral Cancer

A root canal will not lead to cancer. This is a myth that has been around for almost 100 years. There is not one shred of evidence that a root canal will increase your chances of cancer.

Instead of listening to rumors and myths, it is better to talk to an expert. If you want to learn more about root canals, come to us. If we have recommended that you have the procedure done, take care of it as soon as possible. The sooner you get your root canal taken care of, the sooner you will realize that there was no truth to the myths.

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